How to Remove Tempered Glass Screen Protectors

How to Remove Screen Protectors ? - TechBook101
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As we all know Tempered Glass Screen Protector useful accessory that shields the phone screens from cracks, scratches, breakage. When Tempered Glass Screen Protector cracked, the glass may not fall off due to protective features in the glass manufacturing proceed in order to prevent injuries.

Here, we share a quick and fast way how to remove cracked glass screen protectors from your Android phone or iPhone. However, you must be careful not to use heavy force because you might damage the screen of your phone.

If your tempered glass screen protector has a crack, then it’s done its job 🙂

Simply, it’s taken the lumps so that the screen on your iPhone or iPad doesn’t have to. When a tempered glass screen protector cracks, it’s exponentially less effective. You have to find a way how to remove the screen protector!

Step 1: Remove the case from your phone

Step 2: Lift the corner (use toothpick, business card or credit card)

Step 3: Carefully remove the broken or old screen protector from your phone

You will find a detailed step by step guide with videos to all your questions once you go through the following content.

Youtube video on step by step guide to how to Remove an iPhone Screen Protector

1) Remove the case from your phone

First of all, you must remove your phone case, so it’s easier to reach under the screen protector.

2) Lift the corner

Start on the top right corner of your phone and use your fingernail or toothpick to pry up a corner of the screen protector.

Use a business card or credit card to place under the screen protector and move slowly towards the next nearest corner. Repeat this procedure until the entire protector is taking off. 

After carefully removiong screen protector lets find out, how to clean screen protectors?

Use an alcohol wipe and microfiber cloth to clean and dry your screen.

Now you have removed the old or damaged screen protector, let’s understand the basics of Tempered Glass Screen Protectors and the Difference between the 2D,2.5D,3d,5D,6D,7D,9D,11D,6H,9H Tempered Glass.

Keep in mind there are so many Tempered Glass Screen Protectors types to choose from;

After you bought the tempered glass screen protector, it is really important to apply the glass without any bubbles.

Step-by-step guide on how to properly apply a tempered glass screen protector

How do you take off a glass screen protector?

If you followed the steps above, you will be able to easily remove the glass screen protector.

Does removing the screen protector damaged the screen?

No! but you have to use a toothpick, business card or credit card to place under the screen protector to create a gap between the tempered glass protector and the screen. The motive is to raise each corner of the screen protector.

If you do it as in the following videos you will be able to safely remove the screen protector without damaging the screen.

How do you take off a screen protector that won’t come off?

Duct tape is another choice for removing a screen protector. Roll a piece of duct tape around your two index fingers. Ensure that the adhesive side of the tape is facing out. Place the duct tape on a corner of the protector and roll it away slowly. Duct tape should stick to the screen protector and remove the screen protector easily.

Can a screen protector be removed and replaced?

Yes, if you followed the steps above, you will be able to easily remove the glass screen protector.

Quick Tip to Easily Remove Glass Screen Protectors!

Youtube video on quick tips to easily remove glass screen protectors

How YOU SHOULD Remove a Screen Protector from Your Phone

Youtube video on, how you should remove a screen protector from your phone

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